Friday, 2 March 2012

Software Engineering

Software engineering (8th semester
Module1-(4 marks)
1.       State the scope of software engineering?
2.       What is meant by software process model?
3.       Explain the concept of software quality?
4.       With the help of suitable examples explain the concepts involved in data structure oriented design?
5.       Discuss the use of entity-relations diagrams. Show possible, the relationships between outputs and software design activity?
6.       Define a system?
7.       What are the four attributes which all software products should have? Suggest four other attributes which may be significant?
8.       Is it true that a software product can always be developed faster by increasing the team size in the ‘man-years’ terminology? Justify your answer.
9.       What are prototypes?
10.   Why planning is so important in software development?
11.   Describe software engineering and software requirements?
12.   Explain significance of layered technology in software engineering?
13.   What is meant by waterfall model?
14.   With diagram, briefly outline the waterfall model?
15.   What are the three approaches for making software engineering as a layered technology?
16.   Explain the capability levels of capability maturity model?
17.   Write short notes on requirement elicitation?
18.   Explain any one empirical estimation models?
19.   Why ensuring system reliability is not a guarantee for system safety?
20.   What are software metrics?
21.   What is the role of a project manager?
22.   Explain the functional and non-functional requirements of a software system?
23.   What are the features of incremental model and waterfall model of software process?
24.   List out the basic elements that define the ISO 9000 standard for software quality?
25.   What are empirical models of estimation?
26.   What do you mean by CMM?

Module-1(20 marks)
1.       Explain waterfall model?
2.       Explain phases in software development?
3.       Explain COCOMO model?
4.       What are the various steps in planning phase?
5.       Discuss the five levels f CMM.inorder to migrate from one level to another, what are the pitfalls one will face and how can they be overcome?
6.       Discuss the major issues of software engineering?
7.       What are the common problems encountered in the software development process? Discuss them in detail?
8.       In your opinion, what are the main resource and reason for bugs to appear in software? Also discuss the major classes of software bugs?
9.       Explain the various steps required to plan a software project and briefly describe how the problem definition is effected?
10.   Explain CMM in detail?
11.   What is a software process? List any three software process models?
12.   Briefly discuss the water fall model for the software development. What are the disadvantages of this model?
13.   Do you agree that, a software development effort is initiated and terminated in the SPIRAL model? Why?
14.   How will you differentiate a program and a software product?
15.   a)Explain the following software process models
                           i) Prototyping model
                          ii) Incremental model

            b) Explain the process involved in requirements engineering?
16.   Write in detail about the basic elements defined for ISO 9000 standard?
17.   Describe the working of a spiral model with its merits and demerits?
18.   How do software engineering and ISO 9000 standard for quality assurance being related?
19.   Explain the process of analysis principles?
20.   With reference to historical, economic and design aspects, comment on the treatment of software engineering as an engineering discipline?
21.   From the requirement elicitation stage to software specification stage, elaborate the steps involved?
22.   What are software process models? Discuss the features of different process models?
23.   What is the principle aim of software engineering? Differentiate between program and software product?
24.   What is meant by software requirement specification (SRS) document? Explain its structure as per IEEE guidelines.
25.   Explain spiral model. How risk is distributed in this model?
26.   Write a note on ISO 9000 standards?
27.   Do you agree that, a software development effort is initiated and terminated in the SPIRAL MODEL? Why?
28.   How will you differentiate a program and a software product?

MODULE2 (4 marks)

1.                   What are the risks in software project? Explain?
2.                   What is meant by software configuration management?
3.                   What is black box testing?
4.                   Define verification in software engineering?
5.                   Define object and instance of object with example?
6.                   Explain the purpose of each of the sections in a software project plan?
7.                   What are milestones?
8.                   Explain structural walkthroughs?
9.                   What are the types of maintenance?
10.               What is coupling?
11.               Explain V& V activity?
12.               What do you mean by code walk through?
13.               Give an overview on maintenance process?
14.               Explain stepwise refinement?
15.               Explain what is the significance of modular design?
16.               How to differentiate between verification and validation?
17.               What is the difference between white box and black box testing?
18.               Explain risk monitoring?
19.               What are the advantages and disadvantages of software reuse?
20.               Differentiate between validation testing and integration testing?
21.               List the different approaches to software sizing?
ModuleIII (4 marks)
1.                   Explain staffing and personnel planning?
2.                   Explain various CASE tools?
3.                   What is encapsulation?
4.                   Explain the software reliability?
5.                   Explain X windows?
6.                   Explain CASE tools?
7.                   What are the types of maintenance?
8.                   Explain the concept of encapsulation?
9.                   Write short notes on CASE tools?
10.               State the merits and demerits of object oriented analysis and design?
11.               Explain the significance of user interface design in software engineering?
12.               What are the rules for the user interface design?
13.               Explain functions of integrated CASE environment?
14.               Describe Object oriented analysis?
15.               What is HCI? Explain?
16.               Enumerate the generic components of object oriented analysis model?
17.               What is the need for domain analysis?
18.               Explain the object relationship model?
19.               Explain how fish-bone diagram can be used to maintain software quality?
20.               Why code inspection is important in software engineering?
21.               Explain the use of UML in software engineering?
22.               What are the advantages and disadvantages of software reuse?
23.               Compare object relationship model with object behavior model?

(ESSAY-20 marks)
1.       Explain SCM in detail?
2.       Why software configuration management crucial to the success of large software development project?
3.       Discuss black box testing in detail?
4.       Discuss unit testing in detail. Explain a method for measuring logical complexity of a program?
5.       What do you understand by ‘single variable model’ of empirical estimation?
6.       What is meant by control structure testing and basis path testing?
7.       Discuss the importance of complexity analysis?
8.       List some good programming practices. Highlight those which will be helpful while working in large projects where different people are involved?
9.       Explain the features of COCOMO?
10.   What is unit testing and integration testing of software’s?
11.   Discuss the technical and non-technical factors affecting system maintenance costs?
12.   Explain complexity analysis and coding standards in software engineering?
13.   Explain the various strategies used in design phase?
14.   Describe the following testing strategies:
White box testing, black box testing and basis path testing?

15.   Explain the programming practices in testing?
16.   What do you mean by software testability? Which characteristics do lead to testable software?
17.   Explain COCOMO in detail?
18.   Using the basic COCOMO estimate the cost of the following projects:
     i) A semi-detached project of 5000 lines
     ii)An embedded model of 50,000 lines
     iii)An organic model of 3 lakh lines
19.   Cost estimates are inherently risky irrespective of the estimation techniques used. Discuss. Suggest two methods in which the risk in cost estimation can be reduced?
20.   Discuss why the architectural design of a system should precede the development of a formal specification with suitable examples?
21.   Differentiate between black box testing and white box testing?
22.   Under what circumstances will one adopt black box and white box testing methods?
23.   Explain integration testing in detail?
24.   Under what circumstance on will choose top-down or bottom-up integration testing?

MODULE III(4 marks)

 (ESSAY-20 marks)

1.       What are the design principles of a good GUI?
2.       Write a note on the following:
i)                    X-windows
ii)                   design patterns
3.                   Explain CASE tools for requirement engineering?
4.                   Discuss in detail the role of a code analyzers, coverage analyzers and memory analyzers as automated testing tools in software quality management?
5.                   Discuss in detail the concept associated with software review and inspection process in software quality management?
6.                   Explain briefly the design aspects of a real time computing system. Explain why object oriented approach to software development may not be suitable for real time system?
7.                   What is software quality? Explain how quality is assured .what are the factors that influences software quality?
8.                   Describe the object oriented design. Explain object modeling. Also discuss the graphical representation for object oriented design?
9.                   Which rules are followed for user interface design? Briefly explain?
10.               How data flow diagram is used in Object Oriented Design? Write in detail, the functions and notations used in data flow diagram?
11.               What are the guidelines and attributes to be considered for a quality design process?
12.               Which issues are involved with user interface design? Explain.
13.               Explain object relationship model and object behavior model?
14.               Briefly explain the taxonomy of CASE tools?
15.               Explain object oriented design in software development?
16.               Briefly enumerate the computer aided software engineering tools?
17.               Compare the conventional and object oriented approaches to software design?
18.               With reference to object oriented design, discuss the terms information hiding and encapsulation?
19.               What are the steps involved in the object design process?
20.               What are design patterns? How are they described? How are patterns used in software design?
21.               What is meant by risk management? Differentiate between project risk and product risk?
22.               What are the advantages of object oriented design approach compared to procedure oriented approach for software design?
23.               Explain function point metrics. What are the advantages of metrics using in software design?
24.               Explain the role documentation plays in ensuring software quality. Also explain the role played by a CASE tool in maintaining software quality?

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