Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Computer Graphics(6 th semester Degree Examination)

MODULE 1(4 Marks)
  1. what is line drawing algorithm?
  2. define vector refresh system?
  3. explain function of a frame buffer?
  4. explain basic principle of scan conversion?
  5. what is frame and pixel?
  6. explain raster scan?
  7. what is a graphic input device?
  8. explain principle of light pen?
  9. distinguish between raster scan display and vector scan display?
  10. what is the major difference between bresenham's line drawing algorithms and other line drawing algorithms?
  11. how does a light pen detect the position on the screen?
  12. what information is stored in frame buffers?what about Z-buffer?
  13. mention and explain various applications of computer graphics?
  14. what is a pixel and what do you mean by gray level blue?
  15. explain the working of the electron gun in a CRT?
  16. consider a raster system with a resolution of 2560 by 2048 .determine the frame buffer size in bytes needed for the system to store 12 bits/ much storage is required if 24 bits/pixel are to be stored?
  17. explain how track ball produces screen cursor movement?
  18. classify the display units in computer graphics?
  19. what is the function of electron gun in a graphics display unit?
  20. explain principle behind line drawing?
  21. what is a vector refresh system?
  22. explain bresenham's algorithm?
  23. give the broad fields of applications of computer graphics?
  24. what is function of display RAM?
  25. compare vector scan display with raster scan display?
  26. state  bresenham's line drawing algorithm?

MODULE 1(Essay:20 marks)
  1. explain the bresenham's line drawing how line is formed by this algorithm for the points between (12,15) and (20,21)?
  2. discuss the display devices used in computer graphics?
  3. explain in detail a vector display system?
  4. distinguish between simple DDA and symmetrical DDA algorithm?
  5. explain important characteristics of a general purpose graphics system compared to one  designed for architectural use?
  6. describe with a neat diagram the display processor for a random scan display device?
  7. how to classify the various display devices used for computer graphics?
  8. explain any three of the interactive graphic input devices?
  9. discuss any one of circle drawing algorithm in detail?
  10. distinguish between bresenham's line drawing algorithm and DDA line drawing algorithm?
  11. explain with neat diagram the display processor for a random scan display device .explain how it is different from vector display?
  12. how bresenham's algorithm can be need for generating circle?what is the advantage of the method compared to another?
  13. explain bresenham's algorithm for generating circle.discuss the merits of the method compared to other methods?
  14. explain a method to test whether a point in inside a given polygon.if there is any boundary conditions in your method .how to resolve it?
  15. explain the architecture of random scan system?
  16. explain briefly the working of various interactive graphics input devices?
  17. explain about raster scan graphics system?
  18. explain bresenham's midpoint circle generation algorithm?
  19. explain scan line polygon fitting method?
  20. explain how an n by m cell array can be mapped into a rectangular co-ordinate region?
  21. write a procedure to scan ,convert the interior of a specified  ellipse into a solid color?
MODULE-II(4 Marks)
  1. what do you mean by scan converting a polygon?
  2. how it is ensured that the midpoint subdivision algorithm for polygon clipping will terminate in a finite number of iterations?
  3. distinguish between window and view port?
  4. explain basic principle of scan conversion?
  5. scan the line y=3x+4 by a factor of 2 in x and y direction?
  6. what is flood fill algorithm?
  7. define translation?
  8. differentiate window and view point?
  9. what is scan conversion?
  10. explain midpoint subdivision algorithm?
  11. what is filled area primitive?
  12. what is scan converting a polygon?
  13. discuss the concept of windowing?
  14. explain the midpoint method?
  15. scale the line y=3x+4  by a factor of 2 in x and y directions?
  16. what are structured file displays?
  17. define segmenting in graphics?
  1. give the matrix form of transformation for 3D rotation of a point through 30 degree in clockwise direction about X-axis?
  2. what are the deficiencies of Gourand shading?
  3. what are the advantages of Z-buffer algorithm ?what is its major drawback?
  4. List the important components of a multimedia system?
  5. define function of GUI?
  6. explain wire-frame  model?
  7. what is b-spline?
  8. define a bezier curve?
  9. what is meant by composite transformation?
  10. what is phong shading?
  11. what is scan conversion of parabola y=100-x?
  12. what is phong shading?
  13. define multimedia?
  14. what is the major drawback in Z-buffer algorithm?
  15. explain B-splines?

1 comment:

  1. ithinekkalum bhedam syllabus muzhuvan padikkunnatha :D
