MODULE I(4 marks)
1. How does the number of general purpose registers affect the performance of a microprocessor?2. Distinguish between maskable and non maskable interrupts?
3. What are procedures and macros?
4. Write 8086 assembly language program to find the average of two numbers?
MODULE II(4 marks)
5. Describe virtual memory?
6. List the functional blocks of 80286?
7. Give the sizes of the following of an 80286 processor?
i) Physical and virtual memory
ii) Flag register
iii) Number of pins
MODULE III(4 marks)
8. Draw the internal block diagram of a micro controller?9. Briefly describe the PSW of 8051?
10. Explain the addressing modes of 8051?
MODULE I(essay:20 marks)
1. Describe in detail maximum mode operator of 8086.draw the memory read and write timing diagrams?2. Explain the types of interrupts in 8086?
3. How will you interface a flash memory device to the 8088 MPU?
4. Develop a circuit that places interrupt type number 86h on the data bus in response to the INTR input?
5. With the neat timing diagram explain about 8086 maximum-mode operation and its parameters?
6. Briefly explain about memory mapping in 8086?
7. Briefly explain about software interrupts and its applications?
8. Explain about hardware interrupts in 8086 processors?
9. Briefly explain about instruction sets in 8086?
10. How is an I/O processor different from a coprocessor?
11. Give a neat sketch of interfacing co-processor 8086 with microprocessor?
12. Write an 8086 assembly language program to add two 32-bit numbers. Assume SI and DI contains the starting addresses of numbers. Store the result in memory pointed to by [DI]?
13. Write an 8086 assembly language remove procedure which computed the factorial of the number N?
14. Explain the 8087 internal architecture and instruction set?
15. Explain with timing diagrams the signal activities on the 8086 pins during read write and interrupt acknowledgement cycles?
16. Write an 8086 assembly language program which uses a procedure to multiply a 32bit number by a 32 bit number to give a 64 bit result?
17. With the neat timing diagram explain 8086 minimum mode operation and its parameters?
18. Briefly explain about 8088 processors?
19. Briefly explain the purpose of ‘T ‘states?
i) T1
ii) T2
iii) T3
iv) T4
20. Explain the use of the following assembler directives in 8086?
i) DB
ii) ORG
iii) DIV
iv) END
21. Differentiate macros and procedures?22. What is the difference between maximum mode and minimum mode operations of 8086? Explain the maximum mode pins of 8086? How the control signals are generated in minimum mode?
23. Draw and explain memory read cycle timing diagram of 8086 in minimum mode?
24. With the block diagram explain the architecture of 8087 co-processor?
25. Write an 8086 assembly language program to fin d the maximum and minimum of a set of numbers.(provide proper code segment and data segment definition)
26. With a suitable diagram explain how 8086 can access odd addresses and even addressed bytes and words from memory. Indicate the signals used for memory access?
27. Write an 8086 program to add two BCD numbers (each four byte) stored in two memory locations NUMB1 and NUMB2.The result should be stored in NUMB2 overwrite the BCD number?
28. Distinguish between minimum mode and maximum mode operations of 8086?
29. With a functional pin diagram of 8087 numeric coprocessor, describe the functions of various pins?
30. Explain the interrupt system of 8086?
31. Write an 8086 program for moving a string from one block to another block?
MODULE II (essay: 20 marks)
1. Explain in detail the internal architecture of 80386 MPU?
2. Describe the flag register of 80386 MPU?
3. Explain the signal descriptions of 80486?
4. Explain the memory organizations of 80486?
5. Briefly about the cache memory system functions in 80386/80486 processors?
6. With the neat block diagram explain the control registers in 80186 processors?
7. Briefly explain the nodes used in 80386/80486 processors?
8. Explain how the 80386 can address a virtual memory space of 32T byte when the physical memory contains 4G bytes of memory?
9. By means of a neat sketch and a table, explain all the signals of the 80386 microprocessor which are used to interface it with the peripherals?
10. Explain the architecture of the 80286 microprocessor .describe the different modes in which it works .bring out the features in 80286 microprocessor?
11. Describe each bit of the 32 bit extended flag register of 80486.if 80486 works with dual clock, what are the two clock frequencies?
12. Draw the internal architecture of 80386 microprocessor and explain the functions of various units?
13. Explain how the physical address is formed in real-mode of 80386?
14. With a neat block schematic explain the internal structure of the Pentium pro microprocessor?
15. Contrast the Pentium with the Pentium pro microprocessor?
16. Briefly explain about interrupts in 80186/80286 processors?
17. Draw the pin diagram for Pentium pro processors?
18. With a neat block diagram explain the architecture of Pentium pro processors?
19. Explain with the suitable example for the following instructions:
i) SUB
ii) CMP
iii) String comparison
20. Explain the structure of a segment descriptor .Explain how a linear address is generated during the execution of a JUMP of set, segment instruction. Also explain about various protection checks performed at the execution of the above instruction?
21. What are the registers used in the protected mode of 386? Explain their functions?
22. With block diagram explain the architecture of Pentium processor?
23. Explain about the virtual 86 mode of Pentium?
24. Describe how Pentium access 4M pages?
25. Explain the functional units of Pentium processor?
26. Describe the major improvements or additions that the 80486 processor has over the 80386 processor?
27. Discuss the special features of Pentium pro?
28. Describe how the real mode operation of 80286 microprocessor different from protected mode operation?
29. Show the computations which tell how much virtual memory a 386 can address. How much physical memory can a 386 address in a real mode and in protected mode?
MODULE III(essay:20 marks)
1. Explain the functions of special function registers in 8051 microcontroller?2. What are the addressing modes of 8051 micro controller? Explain with examples?
3. Discuss the design of a typical 8051 based system?
4. Explain briefly about timer programming in 8051?
5. Describe the basics of 8051 serial communication?
6. Briefly explain about the addressing modes in 8051?
7. What are the data types in 8051?
8. Write a 8051 program to add two 8 bit numbers?
9. With the neat diagram explain the interrupts in 8051 microcontrollers?
10. Explain the memory map of 8051?
11. Explain the purpose of each pin of the 8051 microcontroller?
12. Write a program to convert BCD data and ASCII (i.e.) BCD to ASCII, ASCII to BCD conversion?
13. Explain the architecture of the Intel 8051 microcontrollers?
14. Discuss the design of a typical 8051 based system?
15. Explain the instruction set of 8051 with examples?
16. Briefly explain about addressing modes in 8051 microcontrollers?
17. Write an 8051 program to add two 8 bit numbers?
18. Explain briefly about instruction sets in 8051 controllers?
19. Write a 8051 program to compare two 8 bit strings?
20. Explain the instruction set of 8051 with examples?
21. Describe the PSW and SCON registers of 8051?
22. Explain the memory organization of 8051?
23. Write an 8051 assembly language program to put a random number in address 20h(LSB) and 21h (MSB) and decrement it as if they where a single 16 bit counter until they equal to random numbers in R2 (LSB) and R3(MSB)?
30. Explain the architecture of 8051 microcontroller?
31. Illustrate the scheme for accessing external memory?
32. Explain the different types of instructions (with examples) used in 8051?
24. Discuss the various addressing mode of 8051?
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