MODULE 1(4 Marks)
- what is line drawing algorithm?
- define vector refresh system?
- explain function of a frame buffer?
- explain basic principle of scan conversion?
- what is frame and pixel?
- explain raster scan?
- what is a graphic input device?
- explain principle of light pen?
- distinguish between raster scan display and vector scan display?
- what is the major difference between bresenham's line drawing algorithms and other line drawing algorithms?
- how does a light pen detect the position on the screen?
- what information is stored in frame buffers?what about Z-buffer?
- mention and explain various applications of computer graphics?
- what is a pixel and what do you mean by gray level blue?
- explain the working of the electron gun in a CRT?
- consider a raster system with a resolution of 2560 by 2048 .determine the frame buffer size in bytes needed for the system to store 12 bits/ much storage is required if 24 bits/pixel are to be stored?
- explain how track ball produces screen cursor movement?
- classify the display units in computer graphics?
- what is the function of electron gun in a graphics display unit?
- explain principle behind line drawing?
- what is a vector refresh system?
- explain bresenham's algorithm?
- give the broad fields of applications of computer graphics?
- what is function of display RAM?
- compare vector scan display with raster scan display?
- state bresenham's line drawing algorithm?