Friday, 13 July 2012

Kerala University B.Tech Computer Science 7th Semester Digital Image Processing Previous Questions

Kerala University B.Tech Computer Science 7th Semester Digital Image Processing Previous Questions


                     1. Discuss any one type of non sinusoidal orthogonal transforms?
   2. Explain about
i)                    Image sensors
ii)                   Digitizers
                      3. Explain the representation of digital image?
                      4. What is the need of image quantization?
                      5. Describe FFT algorithm and inverse FFT algorithm for processing the image?
                      6. Explain the components of a typical digital image processing system?
                      7. What is convolution of two functions? How it is used in digital image processing?
                      8. Explain a typical image processing system?
                      9. Explain the traditional data structures used in image processing?
                    10. Describe one dimensional DFT with all its properties?

Friday, 18 May 2012

Wireless Network(8th Semester B.Tech Kerala University Questions

Module-I(4 marks)
  1. Write differences between wired fixed and wireless methods?
  2. Why base band signals cannot be directly transmitted in a wireless systems?
  3. Explain the principle of packet switching?
  4. List the security services offered by GSM?
  5. Explain Space Division Multiplexing and Frequency Division Multiplexing?
  6. Draw TCP/IP protocol stack and mention functions of each layer?
  7. What is the channel capacity for a teleprinter channel with 300 Hz bandwidth and a signal to noise ratio of 3dB,where the noise is white thermal noise?
  8. Is a directional antenna useful for mobile phone?Why?how can the gain of an antenna can be improved?
  9. How is channel capacity related to Bandwidth in noise free as well as noisy transmission channels?
  10. List the differences in media characteristics for wireless systems when compared to wired systems?
  11. What are the various types of antennas used for free space propagation in wireless networks?

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Computer Graphics(6 th semester Degree Examination)

MODULE 1(4 Marks)
  1. what is line drawing algorithm?
  2. define vector refresh system?
  3. explain function of a frame buffer?
  4. explain basic principle of scan conversion?
  5. what is frame and pixel?
  6. explain raster scan?
  7. what is a graphic input device?
  8. explain principle of light pen?
  9. distinguish between raster scan display and vector scan display?
  10. what is the major difference between bresenham's line drawing algorithms and other line drawing algorithms?
  11. how does a light pen detect the position on the screen?
  12. what information is stored in frame buffers?what about Z-buffer?
  13. mention and explain various applications of computer graphics?
  14. what is a pixel and what do you mean by gray level blue?
  15. explain the working of the electron gun in a CRT?
  16. consider a raster system with a resolution of 2560 by 2048 .determine the frame buffer size in bytes needed for the system to store 12 bits/ much storage is required if 24 bits/pixel are to be stored?
  17. explain how track ball produces screen cursor movement?
  18. classify the display units in computer graphics?
  19. what is the function of electron gun in a graphics display unit?
  20. explain principle behind line drawing?
  21. what is a vector refresh system?
  22. explain bresenham's algorithm?
  23. give the broad fields of applications of computer graphics?
  24. what is function of display RAM?
  25. compare vector scan display with raster scan display?
  26. state  bresenham's line drawing algorithm?

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Advanced Microprocessor(6th Semester Kerala University Questions)

MODULE I(4 marks)
1. How does the number of general purpose registers affect the performance of a microprocessor?
2. Distinguish between maskable and non maskable interrupts?
3. What are procedures and macros?
4. Write 8086 assembly language program to find the average of two numbers?

Neural Computing(8th Semester B.Tech Kerala University Questions)

MODULE I (4 marks)
1. Write a note on activation function?
2. What is meant by linear separability?
3. Explain the structure of artificial neuron?
4. Define learning and training, in connection with neural networks?
5. Explain unsupervised learning. Give an example?
6. Briefly describe a biological neuron?
7. Define training. What are the major types of neural network learning rules?
8. What is the need for associating a weight or connection strength in the processing element of an artificial network?
9. Explain multilayer feed forward network?
10. What is delta rule?

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems
Module 1(4 marks)
1.       What are replication and fragmentation?
2.       Explain resource sharing in distributed environment?
3.       How is network OS different from distributed OS?
4.       Define distributed system?
5.       What are internet protocols?
6.       Explain monolithic kernel of a distributed operating system?
7.       What are the transparency issues associated with distributed system?
8.       Explain tunneling with example?
9.       Why architectural model is important in the distributed system design?
10.   Define the term “distributed systems”?
11.   What is resource sharing and its importance?
12.   Explain relevance of internet protocol in distributed systems?
13.   What are replication and fragmentation?
14.   Explain resource sharing in distributed environment?
15.   What is API for internet protocol?
16.   Differentiate threads and processes?
17.   Why are threads so important for distributed system?
18.   Give four examples of resources to be shared in distributed system?
19.   What is meant by internetworking? What are the main issues in internet-working?
20.   Why is scalability an important feature in the design of a distributed system?
21.   What are the major issues relating to UDP datagram communication?
22.   What is a middleware? What do we expect it to solve? Illustrate with CORBA?
23.   Explain the difference among the following terms:
i)                    Bridge
ii)                    router
iii)                 Gateway

24.   Why is heterogeneity unavoidable in many distributed system?
25.   Why is there no explicit data typing in CORBA CDR?

Friday, 2 March 2012

Software Engineering

Software engineering (8th semester
Module1-(4 marks)
1.       State the scope of software engineering?
2.       What is meant by software process model?
3.       Explain the concept of software quality?
4.       With the help of suitable examples explain the concepts involved in data structure oriented design?
5.       Discuss the use of entity-relations diagrams. Show possible, the relationships between outputs and software design activity?
6.       Define a system?
7.       What are the four attributes which all software products should have? Suggest four other attributes which may be significant?
8.       Is it true that a software product can always be developed faster by increasing the team size in the ‘man-years’ terminology? Justify your answer.
9.       What are prototypes?
10.   Why planning is so important in software development?
11.   Describe software engineering and software requirements?
12.   Explain significance of layered technology in software engineering?
13.   What is meant by waterfall model?
14.   With diagram, briefly outline the waterfall model?
15.   What are the three approaches for making software engineering as a layered technology?
16.   Explain the capability levels of capability maturity model?
17.   Write short notes on requirement elicitation?
18.   Explain any one empirical estimation models?
19.   Why ensuring system reliability is not a guarantee for system safety?
20.   What are software metrics?
21.   What is the role of a project manager?
22.   Explain the functional and non-functional requirements of a software system?
23.   What are the features of incremental model and waterfall model of software process?
24.   List out the basic elements that define the ISO 9000 standard for software quality?
25.   What are empirical models of estimation?
26.   What do you mean by CMM?

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Kerala University 8th Semester B.Tech Previous Question Papers- Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing (CAP)

     Kerala University 8th Semester Computer Architecture and Parallel processing Previous University Question Papers

Module-I(4 Marks)

  1. Distinguish between data parallelism and temporal parallelism?
  2. Why the architecture of a vector processor improves the performance of programs that operate on vectors and matrices?
  3. Explain how parallelism can be incorporated in uniprocessor system?
  4. What are the advantages of vector processing?
  5. What are the architectural methods used to increase the speed of computers?
  6. For a pipeline with n stages, what is the ideal throughput? What prevents us from achieving this ideal throughput?
  7. What are the properties of vector processors?
  8. Define parallel processing?
  9. What do you mean by the ‘speed up ‘of a pipeline processor?