Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Kerala University B.Tech. Combined First and Second Semester Basic Mechanical Engineering Previous Questions 2008 Scheme

Combined First and Second Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, May 2009
(2008 Scheme)
(2008 admission)

Answer all questions from Part A and any two questions from each Module of
Part B :
1. Write down an expression for the air-standard efficiency of Diesel cycle. What
are the factors affecting the efficiency ?
2. Sketch the p-v and T-s diagram of the Carnot cycle and name the different processes
and what is its efficiency ?
3. Explain CRDI system.
4. Compare two stroke and four stroke engines.
5. What are the important properties needed for refrigerants ?
6. Differentiate between impulse and reaction steam turbines.
7. Explain the terms slip and velocity ratio with respect to belt drive.
8. Explain rolling and forging processes.
9. What is the working principle of EDM ?
10. What are the elements of CNC machines ?

Module – I
11. Derive an expression for the air-standard thermal efficiency of an Otto cycle.
12. An IC engine working on Otto cycle takes the air in at 0.97 bar and 35° C. The
compression ratio is 7. The heat supplied during the cycle is 1.5 MJ/Kg. of the
working fluid. Determine
i) The air standard efficiency
ii) The maximum temperature attained and
iii) The work done per kg of the working fluid.
13. With the help of neat sketches (including p-v and t-s diagrams) explain the
working of four stroke diesel engine.
Module – II
14. With necessary sketches explain open and closed gas turbine cycles.
15. With the help of flow and p-h diagram explain the working of a vapour
compression refrigeration system.
16. Sketch the general layout of a thermal power plant and explain its working.
Module – III 
17. With a neat sketch explain the working of a single plate clutch.
18. Describe the following machining operations :
i) Drilling
ii) Grinding
19. Describe the following production processes :
i) Casting
ii) Brazing.

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