Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Kerala University B.Tech Combined First and Second Semester Basic Civil Engineering Previous Question 2008 Scheme

Combined First and Second Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, May 2009
(2008 Scheme)

Answer all questions.
1. Explain the principles of surveying.
2. List out the errors in tape measurement.
3. Sketch a typical page in a levelling field book.
4. Mention the characteristics of contour maps.
5. What is bearning capacity of soil ? How will it affect the selection of foundation ?
6. What is the criteria of selection of roofing materials ?
7. Differentiate between precast and prestressed concrete.
8. Explain any two systems of vertical transportation.

9. a) What is ranging ? Explain the different methods of ranging.
b) To measure a base line, a steel tape 30 m long standardised at 15°C with a pull
of 100 N was used. Find the correction per tape length if the temperature at
the time of measurement was 20°C and the pull exerted was 160 N.
E = 2.1×107 N/cm2, α = 7.1×10–7/°C, wt of 1cm3 of steel = 7.86 gm.

10. a) Explain the significance of Total station and GPS in surveying in the present
b) A series of offsets was taken from a base line to a curved boundary at intervals
of 10 m in the following sequence :
0, 2,68, 3.64, 3.70, 4.60, 3.62, 4.84, 5.74.
Complete the area between the base line, the curved boundary line and the end
offsets using Simpson’s rule and compare the results with trapezoidal rule.
11. a) What are the criteria for selection of site for buildings ?
b) Draw neat sketches of a spread footing, isolated footing, and Mat foundation.
12. a) Name the different types of stone measoury with sketches.
b) What is plastering ? Explain the procedure for the same.
13. a) Enumerate the IS specifications for the different tests on cement.
b) How is plain cement concrete mixture proportioned and prepared ?
14. a) How is Reinforced cement concrete compared with plain cement concrete ?
b) Explain briefly the water supply and sewage disposal arrangements in a
residential building.

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