Saturday, 30 March 2013

Kerala University B.Tech 2003 Scheme Seventh Semester Computer Peripherals and Interfacing Previous Questions



> With a neat diagram explain the working of CRT display system

> With a neat diagram explain the working of a RASTER scan display system

> Explain raster scan and vector scan display systems(20)

> Describe a scheme to implement the vector graphics approach on a CRT screen.

> Explain uses of AGP and SCSI

> With a neat diagram explain the working of a hard disk

> Describe with a diagram how data is arranged and stored in a hard disk

> Explain how data is arranged and stored in magnetic tapes and streamer tapes.

> What are the functional differences between a serial port and parallel port

> Explain the working of DTE and DCE in communication modern

> Explain the features of ATA , IDE an SCSI

> Explain briefly what are computer system peripherally.

> Explain the working principle of a CD R/W memory.

> Give an overview of floppy disk drive (20)

> Give an overview of display adapters.(20)

> Discuss the operation of various optical storage devices(20)

> Explain the main types of read/write head designs for magnetic disks

> Explain the operation of CD ROM drives

> Give an overview of compact disk

> Explain the VGA standard

> Write short notes on ATA and SCSI

> Explain ATA and IDE interfaces.(20)

> Describe the constructional features of FDD,HDD and tape catridges(20)

> Explain the features of monochrome display and adaptor,color display and adaptor and enhanced color display and adaptor(20)

> Explain the basic communication ports in a PC(20)


> Explain any three output devices

> Describe the high level control protocol frames structures

> Compare asynchronous and synchronous transmission methods and their advantages and disadvantages

> What is RS232 and RS422 protocols? What are their characteristic features?

> Explain why systems which use the RS 422A or RS 423A signal standards can transmit data over a longer distances and at higher baud rates than RS 232C systems

> Describe the working of Dotmatrix printer with a neat diagram

> Explain the various mice interface and their functional features and advanced techniques

> Compare serial interfaces with parallel interface with suitable examples

> Explain the working of keyboards and mice

> What is the difference between the working of an inkjet printer with laser printer?

> Explain the working of various impact and non impact type printers(20)

> Describe the operation of the print mechanism for each of the following types of printer. Also give advantages and disadvantages for each type(20)

* Impact type dot matrix

* Thermal

* Laser

* Ink jet

> Discuss are HDLC and SDLC protocols(20)

> Explain the basic working of laser printer.

> Explain USART

> Explain the working of UART and USART(20)

> Draw block diagram of UART 16550 and explain its functioning

> Explain the various signals associated with UART for converting parallel data into serial format and vice versa

> Explain the working of plotters

> Write short notes on joystick and paddles. Compare serial and parallel data communication .

> Explain the working of scanners.

> Discuss the working of various input devices(20)

> Explain different types of data communication and interfaces used(20)


> What are the features and differences between EISA,SCSI and USB?(20)

> Explain features and uses of USB.(20)

> Suggest various methods to interconnect two given computers(20)

> Explain the parallel data communication and USB applications(20)

> Explain any parallel data communication interface

> Explain the major signals associated with 8 bit ISA bus.

> Draw the timing diagram of 8 bit ISA bus

> Explain the limitations of 8 bit ISA bus

> Explain PCI bus architecture(20)

> Explain PCI bus structure and signals(20)

> Explain Michrochannel bus architecture with suitable block diagram(20)

> Describe the MCA bus architecture.

> Explain the major signal associated with MCA bus

> Draw the timing diagram for MCA data transfer.

> List the advantages and disadvantages of MCA bus

> Explain the structure of the VESA local bus

> Explain EISA bus

> Explain ISA bus architecture,signals and limitations(20)

> Describe various bus phases signals involved in SCSI protocol(20)

> Explain various system buses in PC

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